2012 ISAF Annual Conference Concludes In Dun Laoghaire, Ireland



10 November 2012, 07:56 pm

Proposal 2, which featured Submission 063-12, related to Men’s Kiteboarding, Women’s Kiteboarding and 2nd One Person Dinghy – Finn. 14 Council members voted in favour and 23 were against and 1 abstained.

Die Eingabe, das Finn durch Men’s Kiteboard – Evaluation zu ersetzen, wurde also abgelehnt.


Other ISAF Council Decisions

In accordance with ISAF Regulation 23.1.5, ISAF approved four core events and their equipment for the 2020 Olympic Sailing Competition – The Men’s One Person Dinghy – Laser, Women’s One Person Dinghy – Laser Radial, Men’s Skiff – 49er and Women’s Skiff – 49erFX.


Da ISAF sich weder zu 470 noch zu SinglehanderHeavy also Finn committed hat, wird es sicher viele Diskussionsoptionen demnächst zu 2020 und Bootsklassen geben und ganz sicher ist die Disziplin Singlehander HighPerformance z.B. mit dem MUSTOSKIFF eine ernsthafte Option.



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