— Live Update Today 1800 (!) UTC —
* speed records* potential first arrival in just 5 days* constant wind and moderate-high waves
Tweets for the day
N°88 ETIENNE – DAY 20: Even flying fish got trouble to navigate into that confuse sea.unexpected waves popup just in front of them.make them lamely crash after 1m.N°07 MICHAL – DAY 20: I broke my speed record. 16.8kts! See you soon!N°57 JIM – DAY 20: Looks like poor weather to port, so I’m staying North, all good, JimN°47 PETER – DAY 20: Massive rain shower last night just before dark. Made use of this with some soap, surprisingly effective!N°88 ETIENNE – DAY 20 (2): beautiful last ray of light, embrasing the head of the huge coliflores clouds surounder me. hopefuly those giants allow me some sleep tonigt
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Tweets for the day, poor boys… hang on, winner a week to go?? :
N°07 MICHAL – DAY 19: Ready again, after hard condition during the night. Big storm, wind and waves and a lot of rain. Too hard for my tiny boat. Go ahead!K MT!N°47 PETER – DAY 19: F5/6 wind from ENE, breaking waves from NNE and also N (2 distinct patterns). Boat all over the place. Coffee on deck head, hull, bulkhead, seats, cushions…N°01 DON – DAY 19: sail the atlantic they said haa it will be easy they said lol another 35k breaking 3m sea night all ok still blowing dreaming good weather hnsN°88 ETIENNE – DAY 19: Here miserable condition again. sea state is just turning me crazy. was easier in tazi & by the kiwis, 40south. ALLwork&noPLAYmakeMEaDOLLboyN°57 JIM – DAY 19: I think I covered 100 miles in the last 24 hours. I’m happy with that Smiling face with sunglasses All good here…
Picture by AnnaThanks… Like here, like our page if you have not then go follow our twitter to support our sailors… https://twitter.com/globe580transat …