Vendée Globe 2024 – day 4


07:00 – Boris scheint noch zu pennen, denn die Konkurrenten segeln tiefer als er. Boris verliert daher einen Platz. Nico Lunvens Westkurs erweist sich – wie bereits von mir befürchtet – als Fehlentscheidung. Angeblich habe er den Kurs gewählt, um dem Schiffsverkehr am Kap auszuweichen und die Holcim zu schonen.  Ausserdem hatte er ein Problem mit dem Ruder.


15:00 – Es scheint sich eine aus 11 Booten bestehende Führungsgruppe zu bilden, mit Boris auf Rang 8.

Nico Lunven konnte sich wider Erwarten auf Rang 4 platzieren.


Nico Lunven, the skipper of Holcim P R B, has come storming back into the top 5 on the third day of the Vondée Globe after taking a lone option west of Finisterre.

The 41-year-old Frenchman headed 230 nautical miles west-northwest of Finisterre in search of lighter breeze and a safer passage while his rivals headed down the Spanish coast.

It was a radical option that dropped him to 39th place out of 40. But despite a serious issue with his steering that saw him stop the boat for several hours, he is now back up to fifth position and travelling at record-breaking pace.

In the last 24 hours Holcim P R B has covered an incredible 546.6 nautical miles, or 1,012.3 km, to smash the existing Imoca 24-hour distance record of 540 miles set by Thomas Ruyant during the Retour à la Base race in December last year.

This morning Lunven overtook Ruyant on Vulnerable, and Louis Burton, on Bureau Vallée, and was just four miles behind Jérémie Beyou on Charal in fourth place, but was travelling more than seven knots faster.


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