Update 9.11.2021
Apivia hat Probleme und fällt zurück !
Bei den IMOCA’s führt derzeit die APIVIA das Transat Jacques Vabre mit deutlichem Abstand.
Sie verfügt über extrem lange Foils: https://www.imoca.org/en/boats/apivia
Da die Foils ohne nennenswerte Krümmung gerade auslaufen, ergibt sich ein riesiger Hebelarm, der das Schiff aufrechter segeln lässt, aber die Foils auch empfindlicher hinsichtlich der Kollision mit Treibgut macht.
Inzwischen gelten für neue Boote andere Regeln:
No foils on the rudders, a limit to the size of the foils, more standard elements, and the use of biomaterials…
Among the matters that were the subject of debate at the general meeting, only one was voted down: the installation of foils on the rudders. Antoine Mermod: “The question was studied a lot with the teams through the class’s technical committee. This change will come in the future to the IMOCAs, but with the voting, we saw it was a bit too early to take this step, which is important in terms of R&D and costs. We are continuing to work on the matter as a mid-term objective.” For the foils, the design will remain completely free, but a limit to the size of the foils has been accepted.
At the moment, the mast, keel and hydraulics are defined as standard elements for the IMOCA boats. Other elements will join them – the boom and the foil and rudder systems. Among other key decisions, the use of biomaterials is being encouraged for the non-structural elements aboard the boat.