11.05.2023 – 14:00
Spannender als die Zielankunft der drei führenden Boote ist die Odyssee unserer Guyot. Unter Notrigg und Maschine versucht man Halifax zu erreichen.
Leider reicht der Sprit nicht, so dass man vorbeifahrende Schiffe um Hilfe bittet.
Die 177 m lange Ibrahim liess Kanister mit ca. 150 l Sprit zu Wasser, die von der Guyot aufgefischt wurden.
Sieben Kanister voller Diesel
1770 Abonnenten
Diesel wird angefordert und in 7 Kanistern geliefert.
1770 Abonnenten
Skipper Benjamin Dutreux was not yet able to answer how a continuation of the race is possible: “First of all, it’s about reaching a port. Then we can discuss further plans. It’s not easy, we are only a small campaign.” Benjamin Dutreux gratefully accepted competitor Boris Herrmann’s announcement that he would do everything he could to help GUYOT environnement – Team Europe: “Thank you, Boris. We would like to return to the race. We have good memories of the finish port of Genoa since The Ocean Race Europe. We would like to return there.”
Ob und wie es mit der Guyot und ihrer tapferen Besatzung weitergeht, scheint noch unklar zu sein. Für den kleinen Rennstall dürfte es nicht leicht sein, alle logistischen Probleme zu bewältigen, um das Schiff wieder fit zu machen und es an eine Startlinie zu bringen.

The Ocean Race 2022-23 – 13 May 2023, Leg 4. GUYOT environnement – Team Europe arrives to Halifax after 20 day onboard and after dismasting on Day 16 of Leg 4.

The Ocean Race 2022-23 – 13 May 2023, Leg 4. Robert Stanjek in Halifax just after getting down of GUYOT environnement – Team Europe.
GUYOT envrionnement – Team Europe arrived in Halifax on Saturday and the team is preparing to be shipped back to Europe as soon as possible with a goal of rejoining the race.
A statement from the team reads:
It was not a moment to celebrate, but a moment to fall into each other’s arms in relief. At 12.30 local time on Saturday 13 May, the GUYOT environnement – Team Europe reached Halifax in Canada – under jury rig, four and a half days after the accident in the North Atlantic. The Shore crew awaited the team with skipper Benjamin Dutreux, Robert Stanjek, Annie Lush, Sébastien Simon and onboard reporter Gauthier Lebec to comfort them and satisfy their first hunger with huge pizzas and cookies.
On 9 May, at around 2.30 a.m., the yacht had lost its mast in a heavy storm and rough seas, forcing it to abandon the fourth leg of The Ocean Race 600 nautical miles from the finish port of Newport/USA. Fortunately, the crew remained uninjured and secured the yacht by detaching large parts of the snapped rig and some sails. A day later, when the weather had calmed down, an jury rig could be set. The storm jib and a small remaining part of the mainsail, set like a gaff sail, provided light propulsion.
Wind and current as well as the shortest way ashore set the direction for GUYOT environnement – Team Europe. It was off to Halifax in Canada. But the odyssey was not over yet: the team ran out of fuel. But keeping the engine running was important to keep the instruments running and also to keep the cruising speed from dropping too low. The commercial shipping was radioed, and sure enough, a cargo ship stopped its journey and transferred about 150 litres of diesel to the yacht via canister. So it was possible to reach Halifax after four and a half days at a speed of three to four knots.
The relief could be seen on everyone’s face when they fell into each other’s arms: the crew and the shore team. After the entry formalities had been completed, the yacht was now being stripped. Beforehand, the crew had already started cleaning and tidying up the yacht at sea. After the craning out, an examination of the hull followed and then a plan can be made if and how a re-entry into the race is possible. In any case, a transport by cargo ship of the yacht to Europe is necessary.