Finn Class launches new Finn Gold Cup website

Finn focus at the 2011 Finn Gold Cup, Perth

Finn Class launches new Finn Gold Cup website

The Finn class is pleased to announce the launch of its new website to coincide with the start of the 2011 Finn Gold Cup at the ISAF Sailing World Championships in Perth, Australia.
The new site contains a Finn Class specific event blog as well as being a portal to the official event website at In short everything you need to know about Finns at the event will be in one place,
with one easy to remember address.
It is planned that in the coming years that event organisers will use this facility to host the websites of future Finn Gold Cups with the key aim being that the vast amount of information collected at each event will be available through one portal, as well as ensuring that this information is maintained beyond the normal lifespan of an event website of two years.
The former website for 2010 has already been added in its entirety while an iframe has been used to display the event websites for 2011 and 2012. It is hoped to add more over the coming year, as well as to launch a similar site for the Finn Europeans. Each year is easily accessible through the menu, and while the initial site has a simple and functional design, this will also be developed over time.
For the coming week, follow the 2011 Finn Gold Cup at the Event blog ).
The 2011 Finn Gold Cup runs from December 5 to 11.

Event website:– Finn Gold Cup website ( )

© International Finn Association 2011

Translation: Google


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