

Finn Junioren-Weltmeisterschaft
Double win puts Zarif on top at Finn Silver Cup
Three more great races on Tuesday 9 July in a fresh early morning breeze gave the lead of the 2013 Finn Junior World Championship to 2012 Olympian from Brazil, Jorge Zarif.
The day belonged to the early risers on Lake Garda with the best wind conditions encountered in the day’s first hours. At 7.00 am the boat park was already buzzing with sailors, coaches and race committee getting ready for the third day of racing. When the gun for race 3 went at 8.00 am the wind was as strong as ever with a 24 knots northerly breeze and waves.
With free pumping on the downwind legs and a triangle course, the morning was survival of the fittest. Racing was more physical than tactical with the course a one way track close to the cliff. The fastest sailors secured a place at the top and often despite an average start. In the day’s first race, regatta leaders Jorge Zarif (BRA) and Jake Lilley (AUS) didn’t impress at the start: the Brazilian started again in the third row while the Australian touched the pin end mark. Nevertheless, the pair showed their great speed to gain some ground on their rivals. It was not enough though to catch up with current Junior World Champion Martin Robitaille (CAN) who took an early lead, comfortable and untouchable in the strong breeze, stretching his tall body to make the most of the upwind legs. Lilley and Zarif finished second and third behind the Canadian.
The Brazilian, on fire in the breeze, took a good start in the two last races to take the lead of the championship. Zarif took the bullet in race 4 after a dual with the Australian. In the last race Lilley crossed the line just ahead of the Brazilian, however, an earlier starboard incident between the two was settled in the Jury room with a disqualification for Lilley and another race win for Zarif.
After five races, the sailors can now discard their worst score. 2009 Junior World Champion Jorg Zarif takes the lead of the regatta from Anders Pedersen (NOR) who is in third behind the Australian Jake Lilley. Martin Robitaille is in fourth position on equal points with Peter McCoy (GBR). After some well deserved pasta offered by the Yacht Club, and truly enjoyed by all, the sailors could take the day off at 1pm, ready for another early start scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday 10 July.
Full results: https://www.fragliavela.org/tl_files/contenuti/regate/classifiche/2013%20Finn%20Silver%20Cup%20results.HTM
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2013 FINN SILVER CUP – Jorg Bruder Trophy
05th – 12th July 2013
Punteggi presi in considerazione 1 scarto
No Numero Nome Punti 1 2 3 4 5
1 BRA 109 Zarif Jorge, BRAJZ4, ICRJ JELQ ARABICO – 84 6,0 1 (4) 3 1 1
2 AUS 41 Lilley Jake, AUSJL12, RQYS AUSTRALIAN SAILING – 47 9,0 3 2 2 2 (dsq)
3 NOR 1 Pedersen Anders, NORAP2, DSSF TINI – 46 12,0 2 1 4 5 (8)
4 CAN 110 Robitaille Martin, CANMR7, CVL RCYC DINO – 67 15,0 (7) 7 1 4 3
5 GBR 29 McCoy Peter, GBRPM40, ESSC CREDO – 48 15,0 5 5 (10) 3 2
6 RUS 6 Kistanov Arkadiy, RUSAK48, CSK VMF / Moscow Sailing Schoo – 00 16,0 4 3 5 (10) 4
7 ITA 213 De Luca Umberto, ITAUD1, YCT – FANTASTICA FANTASTICA – 05 27,0 6 (9) 8 6 7
8 GER 595 Gorgels Simon, GERSG14, DTYC KLABAUTERMANN – 70 31,0 8 8 (14) 9 6
9 GER 64 Luttukus Lennart, GERLL1, SKBUE ASTG – 68 32,0 14 (16) 6 7 5
10 POL 7 Marciniak Jakub, POLJM5, AZSPG POLITECHNIKA GDANSKA – 86 36,0 (18) 6 7 12 11
11 ITA 214 Bevilacqua Riccardo, ITARB31, SVOC – FANTASTICA FANTASTICA – 06 39,0 (12) 10 9 11 9
12 CZE 5 Teply Ondrej, CZEOT1, YC BRNO – 09 45,0 9 (23) 18 8 10
13 FRA 114 Thomas Morel, FRATM7, YCC – 60 52,0 10 (19) 13 15 14
14 POL 16 Lahn Mikolaj, POLML5, UKSFW – 45 55,0 13 (22) 15 14 13
15 FRA 177 Fabian Pic, FRAFP16, SRR – 61 58,0 11 17 17 13 (dnf)
16 RUS 8 Korshikov Anatoliy, RUSAK12, Azov – 30 60,0 15 (18) 11 16 18
17 NED 972 Kirschbaum Tobias, NEDTK3, WSVH Peter – 08 62,0 16 (26) 12 17 17
18 BUL 855 Vangelov Dimitar, BULDU1, Nesebar YC – 50 66,0 19 14 (22) 18 15
19 AUT 5 Lehner Nikolaus, AUTNL1, SCT – 55 70,0 (24) 12 20 19 19
20 RUS 212 Luzan Kirill, RUSKL6, KK – FANTASTICA FANTASTICA – 04 72,0 20 (24) 16 24 12
21 NED 94 Van Rootselaar Tijmen, NEDTV20, ZMVDZ – 03 73,0 (21) 11 21 21 20
22 ITA 988 Savio Matteo, ITAMS93, TDV – FANTASTICA SCRAT – 07 77,0 (23) 15 19 22 21
23 POL 22 Zimny Jeremy, ???, WKZW MARTWY CIAG – 44 82,0 22 21 (dnf) 23 16
24 RUS 61 Volovik Vadim, RUSVV8, Khlebnikovo – 35 82,0 17 20 23 (25) 22
25 RUS 27 Kotlyarov Denis, RUSBK17, CSK – 33 88,0 (27) 13 26 26 23
26 RUS 28 Kotlyarov Artur, RUSAK40, CSK – 34 96,0 25 (27) 25 20 26
27 FRA 51 Leleu Alec, ???, CVThoux – 66 99,0 26 25 24 (27) 24
28 RUS 88 Ananyev Alexander, RUSAA14, SKA St.P – 40 108,0 (28) 28 27 28 25