Hyeres 2015 – Am Mittwoch gehts los


Monday 20th : Registration, stamping from 9:00 to 19:00

Tuesday 21th : Registration, stamping from 9:00 to 13:00, training race at 15:00, Opening Ceremony at 18:30

Wednesday 22nd : racing (first start at 11:00)

Thursday 23rd : racing (first start at 11:00)

Friday 24th : racing (first start at 11:00)

Saturday 25th :racing (first start at 11:00), Prize Ceremony for paralympics

Sunday 26th : medal races (first start at 11:00), Prize Ceremony at 17:00.

Die Finnsegler dücken Philipp und Eike-Tjark die Daumen:
GER GER 259 Helm GERPK18 Phillip Kasueske accepted approved
GER GER 252 Helm GEREM6 Eike Tjark Martens accepted approved


Video vom 2014

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