Kieler Woche 2011 – Test neuer Segelformate

„The Tornados will be sailing very close to the audience in front of the Kieler Yacht Club. The inner fjord thus will become a sailing arena, presented in a competent way at the Audi stage“, says the Chief Race Manager Jobst Richter (Kieler Yacht-Club), who planned the fast catamarans‘ performance in the first half of the race week (18 to 22 June).

International Tornado Class President Roland Gaebler (Tinglev) promises a great spectacle: „This will be a test for prospective sailing formats. We will be sailing many short races with eight to ten teams. It will be even more brisk than known from the Extreme Sailing Series in Kiel. We will make sure to start the races in time in all conditions – from 1 to 30 knots of wind. Thus we will become a reliable partner for the media and attract spectators, sponsors and young people.“

Ausser dem Tornado wird auch der A-Kat wieder an der KW teilnehmen.

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