Kategorie: Events
Alcune sequenze dall’8a tappa di Coppa italia Finn, International Finn Cup e Trofeo Andrea Menoni, svoltisi a Malcesine i gg 4-6 Ottobre 2013. FRAGLIA VELA MALCESINE INTERNATIONAL FINN CUP …
Link: Matthew Sheahan befasste sich am 30.Sept. in Yachting World mit den performance-steigernden Modifikationen des Oracle-Kats. T-Foils Hull Interceptor Asymmetric Set up Mast rake Wing power lower down …
Wettfahrtvereinigung Steinhuder Meer e.V. Schaumburg-Lippischer Seglerverein e.V. 28.09. – 29.09.2013 W / Korsar / Kehraus Endergebnis Anzahl der Meldungen: 23 Bootsklasse: Korsar Geplante Wettfahrten: 5 Wertungssystem: Low-Point-System Ranglistenfaktor: 1,2 …
Auf sailinganarchy.com werden die folgenden Gründe für die verbesserte Performance genannt: the loose cannon sayd: they changed the wing rake, which then impacted the gap between their ugly ass …
49erFX – Overall results after Race 2 Overall Sailed: 2, Discards: 0, To count: 2, Entries: 53, Scoring system: Appendix A Rank Flight CLASS Nat Sailno HelmName CrewName Total …
Landsegel-Regatta Day 1 vom 21.-28.9.2013 in Sankt Peter Ording
Laser-Radial / Laser-Cup Endergebnis Anzahl der Meldungen: 14 Bootsklasse: Laser-Radial Geplante Wettfahrten: 4 Wertungssystem: Low-Point-System Ranglistenfaktor: 1 Streichung: Bei 4 Wettfahrten Festlegung Werbung: Keine Austragungsrevier: Steinhuder Meer Ausrichtender Club: …
Finn Class | Open Olympic One person dinghy Results Finn Scores take into account 1 discard No Sailno Name Scores 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 …
Results: Vaurien, Finn, Laser, Laser Radial, 470erFX, 49er, RS:X, 2.4, Laser Standard Masters, Finn Masters, F18, J 22, Melges 24
505 European Championship 2013 – bekannte Ex-Europameister sind wieder Europameister! Die Bojsen-Möller-Brüder holen erneut den Europameister-Titel nach Dänemark, die deutschen Teams Bogacki/Dehne und Schomäker/Jess landen auf den Plätzen zwei …
On board Go Pro camera records Josh Junior from New Zealand during the medal race at the 2013 Finn Gold Cup in Tallinn, Estonia On board Go Pro camera …
Michele Paoletti takes the Gold in Finn Open Russian Fresh from his top ten success at the recent Finn Gold Cup in Tallinn, Estonia, Michele Paoletti (ITA) has won …
Brendan Casey (AUS 1) wins the medal race in Hyeres to take the week by 0.4 points from Rafa Trujillo (ESP 100). Vasilij Zbogar (SLO 573) wins the bronze …
Mi: Race 8 fällt aus. Zu viel Wind. Im 7. Race hat GER nun bereits den 3. Start versemmelt. Rang 9 Di.: Race 5, – GER hat engagiert …
2013 Finn Gold Cup – Medal race highlights With commentary by Josh Junior Event website: www.finngoldcup.org/2013 Daily live on the water coverage: https://sport.err.ee/ Live tracking by Trac Trac: https://www.tractrac.com/index.php?page=eventpage&id=327 …
Jorge Zarif seals historic Finn Gold Cup win On Saturday afternoon in Tallinn, Estonia, Jorge Zarif (BRA) completed the task he began on Friday and won the 2013 …
Three races, three winners, as Jorge Zarif closes in on Finn Gold Cup win Jorge Zarif (BRA) is within a whisker of winning the 2013 Finn Gold Cup after …
Second day of no racing at Finn Gold Cup as wind deserts Tallinn For the second consecutive day no racing was possible at the Finn Gold Cup in Tallinn, …
No racing for Finns on third day in Tallinn For the third day in a row an early postponement was hoisted at the Finn Gold Cup in Tallinn, Estonia, …