Kategorie: Regatta
In 2015 the SAILING Champions League will have one event in Porto Cervo in Sardinia. The event is hosted by the Yacht Club Costa Smeralda. SAILING Champions League
https://youtu.be/MEGBBtPOwbA . https://youtu.be/XO97dMJ29uI
Website: https://www.starsailors.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/SailorsLeague Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StarSailorsLe…
Welcome! Good morning everyone and welcome for this second day of the SSL Lake Grand Slam 2015! First start at 9.35 A.M. Star Sailors League
https://vimeo.com/137721096 Footage of MARILEE from the Opera House Cup Regatta in Nantucket, MA, August 2015, by Fishhawk Films. fishhawkfilms.com
Dutch Finn Master Champion 2015: Thierry van Viersen (Es handelte sich um die Meisterschaft der ab 40 Jahre alten Finnsegler, die im Rahmen des Randmeeraces ausgetragen wurde. Die Niederländische …
Wer den sportlichen Wettkampf sucht und dabei im Trapez stehen will kommt um den Contender nicht herum. Nach wie vor ist er sportlich gesehen das Maß der Dinge in …
Documentary on the legendary trophy Trofeo Princesa Sofia, shot during the 46th edition in Palma de Mallorca March 2015. Trofeoprincesasofia
A memorable edition of the Rolex Fastnet Race concluded on 21 August. G©ry Trentesaux’s JPK 10.80 Courrier du L©on from France has been confirmed as overall winner of the …
Day 4: Interviews with Egor Terpigorev and Giles Scott RESULTS Day 5: Interviews with Pieter-Jan Postma, Ivan Kljakovic Gaspic and Jonas H¸gh-Christensen
First day of the Aquece Rio 2015 Test Event. Interviews with Pieter-Jan Postma and Max Salminen RESULTS Second day of the Aquece Rio 2015 Test Event. Interviews with Vasilij …
Nirkko wins only race while Postma maintains lead at Rio test Only one race was possible on the second day for Finns at the Aquece Rio 2015 Test Event …
Day 2 of the 2015 Rolex Fastnet Race. The leading yachts have passed the halfway point of the 603-nm offshore race with the front-running multihulls rounding the race’s emblematic …
Pieter-Jan Postma passes first test in Rio as Finns begins Aquece Rio 2015 Test Event The countdown to the Rio 2016 Olympic Games began in earnest today for the …
Newly crowned Laser World Champion Nick Thompson on a light wind, shifty first day at the Aquece Rio International Regatta – the second official Test Event for the Rio …
27 Meldungen Ergebnisse: 1 GER 30 Ralf Heim 1 4 5 10.00 2 GER 713 Lars Haverland 12 1 2 15.00 3 GER 714 Alexander Goltz 9 6 1 …
Official Website: https://www.icarussailingmedia.com/ Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/icarussailin… Twitter: https://twitter.com/OlympicSailing