Riechers vs Herrmann – Update

Jörg Riechers: “ I am determined to win!”

With this new racing yacht, German skipper Joerg Riechers, one of the world’s best single-handed sailors, will be at the start of the upcoming Vendée Globe 2024/2025 and many preparatory races, such as the Transat Jaques Fabre and the Route du Rhum.


According to Holger Henn (founder and CEO ALVA YACHTS), this step once again underlines the company’s exceptional position and pioneering spirit in innovative boatbuilding. Henn says: „Alva Yachts is to offer the best boats for forward thinking explorers of the oceans.”


The design process for the „ALVA BLUE IMOCA“ has already started. In addition to FarrDesign from Annapolis/USA, one of the world’s most renowned racing yacht design office, the two French designers Guillaume Dupont and Etienne Bertrand are also on board. Riechers deliberately chose this set-up as a mix of innovation and tradition.

Kommentar:  Bis 2024/25  kann noch viel passieren. Selbst ein Great Reset kann nicht ausgeschlossen werden. Wenn alles klappt, können wir uns aber über spannende Duelle zwischen Riechers und Herrmann freuen. Auch das grösste Problem von Boris Herrmann, die Einsamkeit, wäre dann gelöst 🙂



Yacht Design

Henndesign is responsible for ground breaking yacht designs and has build a reputation as one of germanys top yacht design studios. This portfolio shows some selected works of yachts and naval architecture jobs.

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