The Ocean Race 2023 – Leg 2 – Day 12 – Guyot – easy Come easy Go

03:00 – Ocean Race

Die Guyot-Rookies  haben Platz 1 verloren und verhungern in der Flaute, da sie sich leichtsinnigerweise zu weit östlich positioniert hatten. Guyot hätte Leg 2 gewinnen können, jetzt wird es voraussichtlich wieder der letzte Platz. Auf die Reaktion  Benjamin Dutreux’s dürfen wir gespannt sein 🙂


17:00 – Ocean Race – Guyot – we were first and now we are last.


⛵️NEWS ON BOARD : crossing the St Helena High
Several days after leaving the Doldrum, GUYOT environnement – Team Europe team is facing its second big challenge, the St Helena high.
Seb is persistently looking for a way out of the high-pressure trap:
🗣 „It’s a difficult and frustrating situation for us, we were first and now we are last. Our choice to be east of the fleet was not the right one to get through the St Helena high.
In fact, we didn’t really have a choice, after leaving the Doldrums, we got stuck under a big cloud and we couldn’t turn further east to turn around St Helena. That’s the game, we have to accept the situation.
Even if we are 150 miles behind the fleet, we still have 2500 miles to get back in the game! We still have a week of racing to catch up with the fleet. It’s an offshore race, it’s never over! Time is our first asset. We also know that the fleet is heading towards a ridge, a windless area that would give us a chance to catch them.
We have to enjoy and take pleasure because the weather conditions are incredible for the month of February.
In a few days we’ll be in the south where there are strong subtropical pressures. We’ll be passing very close to the ice pole, so the conditions will be very different and the temperatures will be different too.
For now, we have to be patient, take care of the boat and go as fast as possible. Our time will come.“

The Ocean Race

Watch the highlights from onboard the boats as the five teams in The Ocean Race fleet all gybed to the east and started making miles towards Africa.


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