The Ocean Race 2023 – Leg 3 – Day 13 – 11th Hour – Ruder angeknackst

RACE REPORT – Leg 3 – 10/03 | The Ocean Race
The fleet is leaving the Indian Ocean behind and are expected to head south close to the Ice Exclusion Zone once again ❄️



Latest video from Holcim – PRB at 10/03/2023 09:22 UTC
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After a tumultuous start to Leg 3, a low passes over the team, bringing light winds and an opportunity for a routine inspection of the boat after the recent heavy weather. During this inspection, the team finds stress fractures on the rudder.

With bigger seas over the horizon, and only one spare rudder onboard, the decisions effecting the rest of the leg need to be made now.


Official YouTube of 11th Hour Racing Team, on a mission to win The Ocean Race 2022-23, led and skippered by American offshore sailors Charlie Enright and Mark Towill. The Team places sustainability at the core of all operations and is backed by 11th Hour Racing, an international organization that works with the sailing community and maritime industry to restore ocean health.


15:00 – Ocean Race

So stimmt die Reihenfolge wieder 🙂

Ohne Rosie und Will, die den Riss oben am Mast repariert haben,  wäre die Malizia schon mit Mastbruch ausgeschieden !  (Boris hat ja bekanntlich ein Höhenangst-Problem)

Habe mich oben am Mast einer 6,5 KR-Yacht, also in ca. 15 m Höhe, auch nicht besonders wohl gefühlt, wobei das primäre Problem darin bestand, nicht aus dem aalglatten Bootsmannsstuhl herauszurutschen, als ich den Körper streckte, um die Topplicht-Halterung geradezubiegen.



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