From Point Nemo to Cape Horn | Leg 3 22/03 | The Ocean Race Show
Niall Myant-Best discusses the latest from Leg 3 of The Ocean Race 2022-23, as the fleet passes the famous Point Nemo. From here on out, its a drag race all the way to Cape Horn – and it’s anyone’s guess as to which crew will end up in the lead! Also in today’s show, Niall breaks down some of the equipment used by the on-board navigators, which they will need more than ever as another storm approaches.
Holcim + Malizia im Pärchenmodus
Showsegeln bis zum Hoorn
Heute zeigen uns Holcim und Malizia eine bei Regatten bisher unübliche Paarlauf-Variante 🙂
Was macht man so, wenn es an Bord langweilig ist:
Business as usual
Kevin hält ein Nickerchen
Sam pflegt seine Beisserchen
Kevin wirft Treibminen, um die Konkurrenten abzuschütteln
Der Kabeljau soll es jetzt bringen
Der Sturm naht
Biotherm hat es bereits erwischt: Serious nose-dive
Fractional Code Zero rip in half following a serious nose-dive.
„The fleet is probably going into the toughest days of the race so far, with very aggressive weather between now and Cape Horn at the end of the weekend,“ said Race Director Phil Lawrence.
„The wind is going to increase above 30 knots, gusting 40 knots, and we can expect 6 to 7 metre waves on Friday and Saturday,“ said Christian Dumard, the meteorolgist for The Ocean Race.
„I think we can expect the fleet will stay a little bit north of the ice exclusion zone to avoid the worst sea state as the wind gets even stronger.“
Peter Rush –
Lower & Faster – Day 25 – Leg 3 – The Ocean Race & Team Malizia
Will Harris and Rosalin Kuiper are keeping an eye on their competitors while sailing fast in the Southern Ocean (c) Antoine Auriol