Nach Mapfre und Dongfeng haben nun auch die SCA-Damen eine Patenthalse präsentiert 🙂
Chinese gybe, aka death roll, aka crash gybe. Basically, it’s a strong squall violently swinging the boom to the other side. The main sail slams over, the boat ends up in the water with the keel on the wrong side keeping it on its side. It’s dangerous, it’s scary – and it happened to the MAPFRE crew in the Southern Ocean, 2,000 nautical miles away from land.
Volvo Ocean Race
Uncontrolled Chinese gybe knocks down Dongfeng.
Real time footage of the moment the crew (temporarily) lost control and lost miles on the rest of the fleet. The tension onboard is tangible but thankfully humour is restored when Charles and Yann attempt to explain to Black that it IS really called a Chinese Gybe… not just because they’re Chinese.
SCA – Leg 5, Day 7
Chinese Gybe at 0500h this morning