Werbung im Finn-Segel

„Wo und wie groß darf Werbung in unseren Finn-Segeln sein? Kannst Du mir die Regelstellen nennen?“



Grössen- bzw. Abstandsvorgaben scheint es nicht zu geben, aber …

Any competitor’s advertising on sails must be clearly separated from the class insignia, sail number and national letters.“

Vielleicht sollte man auch den für die Nationalflagge vorgesehenen Platz frei lassen. (siehe unten)


ISAF Advertising Code – ISAF Regulation 20

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Competitors and Sailors
This section is for sailors competing at events. Competitor’s advertising is defined in ISAF
Regulation 20.3.


Can I display competitor advertising?

The right to display competitor advertising is automatically granted to competitors in ISAF
Classes and ISAF Recognized Rating Systems unless restricted by the class rules.
For non-ISAF classes and rating systems the right to display advertising must be authorised in
advance by the relevant National Authority.
Some National Authorities will grant a general authorisation to the competitors, others will
decide on a case by case basis. If in doubt, you must contact your National Authority (find details
at www.sailing.org/mna).
Some class rules do not permit advertising or restrict it to certain areas on the boat or the way
in which the advertising is physically applied.
For example the class rules may restrict advertising to the hull only. If in doubt contact your ISAF Class, Rating Authority or ISAF.

I am a competitor/sailor where can I display competitor advertising?

Advertising space for a competitor is generally available for all the boat areas not reserved
for event organiser advertising, described below. For example, competitor’s advertising
space includes the sails and a majority of the hull, unless restricted by Class Rules.
Any competitor’s advertising on sails must be clearly separated from the class insignia, sail
number and national letters.

Can I be charged a fee for displaying competitor advertising?

Yes, in some instances fees may be applied by the National Authority for displaying
advertising. Fees cannot be applied by any other authority (including by event organisers)
as stated in ISAF Regulation 20.8.3. A few National Authorities have introduced annual
license system for displaying competitor advertising.

Can I refuse to display event or class advertising?

A competitor may refuse to display event or class advertising only if it is advertising for
alcohol or tobacco or you object for moral, political or religious reasons. This is stated in
ISAF Regulation 20.2.5. For example you cannot object if your advertising sponsor is
simply in direct competition with the event advertising sponsor unless it is a class sponsor
advertising. This is stated in ISAF Regulation 20.6.3.

Can I be protested for a breach of the Advertising Code?

Yes, protests alleging a breach of the Advertising Code are governed in the normal
manner by the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) Part 5.
Advertising must meet generally accepted moral and ethical standards as stated in ISAF
Regulation 20.2.4.


Wettsegelordnung (WO) des DSV

13.1 Werbung richtet sich nach dem Advertising Code (Regulation 20) der ISAF.
13.2 Werbung in direkter oder indirekter Form für Alkohol und Tabakprodukte an Boot und Kleidung ist Jugend- und Jüngstenseglern bzw. -Mannschaften untersagt.


20.3 Competitor’s Advertising
20.3.1 Each Competitor, with the agreement of the Person in Charge, may display Advertising on
personal equipment except that bibs provided by the Organizing Authority shall be worn
as detailed in Regulation 20.4.
20.3.2 Subject to any limitations on Advertising in the applicable class rules or the rules of the
relevant System, Advertising chosen by the Person in Charge may be displayed on a boat
or part thereof, except on the areas detailed in Regulation 20.4 and Table 1.


Advertising shall only be displayed in accordance with the ISAF Advertising Code. (See ISAF Regulation 20)


At the ISAF Sailing World Cup and the ISAF Sailing World
Championship, or when required by the Notice of Race, a skipper
national flag, nominal size 740 x 443 mm, shall be applied to each side
of the sail, positioned such that the aft edge of each flag is between 50
and 100 mm of the leech and the upper edge between 50 and 100 mm
below the second lower batten pocket. The flags shall be made by an
ISAF approved manufacturer as listed at


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