Wing Foilen lernen

Geringer Preis, spektakuläre Bilder bieten die Wingfoiler.  Gegenüber dem überteuerten Finn werden eher jugendliche Segler angesprochen, so die Wingfoiler eher als das Finn in das Olympia-Programm passen.

9700 Abonnenten
Today we are covering the basics of how to wingsurf or wing foil. These are the skills you need to practice on the beach before you go in the water. Spend time getting a feel for the wing, how to flip the wing, how to switch hands, how to use the power of the wing to help you get up on the board, etc… You can’t spend too much time on the beach playing with the wing. It will allow you to build a strong base that you can rely on in the water. If you have any questions feel free to drop a comment below. Gwen and I have lot more videos to come, so stay tuned & subscribe! Content
0:00 Intro
1:02 Assess your location
2:44 Fly the wing on the beach
7:42 Swim with the wing
8:29 Getting up
11:47 Make your way up wind
13:19 Carry your gear
15:12 Safety items
15:47 Conclusion


9700 Abonnenten
Link to Part 1 in case you missed it: How to Wing Foil | Part 1: Your First Session Are you at the point in your wing foiling progression where you are about to foil and you’re so close, but it just hasn’t clicked yet? This video is for you! We give you every tip and trick to help overcome the hardest step in wing foiling, getting up on foil.


Wing Foilen lernen – Teil 1

16.500 Abonnenten
Hier bekommst du noch mehr Infos:… DAVON LEBE ICH 😉

Wing Foilen lernen – Teil 2

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