Womit segelt Deniss Karpak – Gewinner der 4. und 7. EM-Wettfahrt


Mit diesem Finn gewann Deniss Karpak die 4. Wettfahrt (Leichtwind) und die 7. Wettfahrt (Starkwind) in Split.


Update: Es scheint ein WILKE-Finn zu sein.

Der Mast stammt offenbar von Hit-Masts

Das Segel trägt das WB-Logo

Today, I had good speed and the first upwind was great. The middle was the way to go. There were too many shifts to go to one side. I wasn’t in first place 200 metres from the mark and then a few tacks later I was leading.”

„On the downwind I went left and got away to a lead of more than one minute at the gate. But I almost lost it. I finished just metres ahead of the Hungarian. There was no wind at the finish, and everyone came back at me with more pressure. At one point I gybed and crossed at almost 90 degrees to the course to catch the Hungarian. If I had continued to go straight to the finish I would have lost the race. Then the wind died after we had finished.”



Foto. Finn-Class


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